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The Guerilla Poetics Project broadside

the patron saint of poetry

has been discovered in the following places:

LocationBook / AuthorBookstoreFound
Washburn WILetters to Allen Ginsberg by William Burroughs Chequamegon Book Company3/25/2017
san diego, caTreasury of Great Poems by ed. by Louis UntermeyerNorth Park Library3/14/2010
Pasadena, Caunknown by Charles BukowskiVromans3/9/2009
Salem, ORPoems and Translations by Ezra PoundSalem Public Library10/7/2008
New York, NYSatyr Square by Leonard Barkindon't remember10/3/2008
Southfield, MichiganBetting on The Muse by Charles BukowskiBorders Books6/13/2008
San Diego, CACome On In by Charles BukowskiBorders8/5/2007
Pasadena, CAThe Flash of Lightning Behind the Mountain by Charles BukowskiVroman's Bookstore7/23/2007
Denver, COMockingbird Wish Me Luck by BukPublic Library7/11/2007
mcminnville oregonherald of the autochthonic spirit by gregory corsomcminnville library7/3/2007
San Francisco, CAThe Gary Snyder Reader by Gary SnyderCity Lights Bookstore6/1/2007
Leicester, Leicestershire, EnglandGrapes of Wrath by John SteinbeckBorders4/7/2007
Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A.The Beat Book by Anne WaldmanBook Stop2/3/2007
Cleveland, OhioLullaby by Chuck PalahniukMac's Backs2/1/2007
Lakewood, OhioOn The Road by Jack KerouacHalf-Priced Book1/31/2007
Oakville, Ontario, CanadaBukowski Boulevard by Joan Jobe SmithPoet's Pulpit Bookstore12/19/2006
cuyahoga, ohjourney to the end of the night by celinehalf price books12/1/2006
Belfast, Northern IrelandFactotum by Charles BukowskiWaterstones, Belfast11/28/2006
Cheltenham, England, U.K.Mockingbird Wish Me Luck by Charles BukowskiWaterstones11/14/2006

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