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The Guerilla Poetics Project broadside


has been discovered in the following places:

LocationBook / AuthorBookstoreFound
Rosendale NYunknown by unknownRosendale Library5/26/2017
Lincroft, NJDesolation Angels by Jack KerouacBrookdale community college9/18/2016
Gig Harbor, WashingtonPoem a Day by Laurie Sheck, EditorPierce Co. Library5/30/2011
Lincroft, NJKaddish by Allen GinsbergBrookdale CC Library10/12/2009
Durango, COMarginalia, Volume II, Issue 3 by Western State CollegeMaria's Bookshop5/2/2009
Cleveland, OhioThe Beat Hotel by Barry MilesVisible Voice Books11/30/2008
Murfreesboro TennesseeSon of a Witch: a novel by Gregory MaguireLinebaugh Public Library11/8/2008
Roseville, MNRequiem for a Dream by Hubert Selby Jr.Barnes and Noble10/18/2008
Gainesville, FloridaYou Get so Alone by Charles BukowskiBorders9/24/2008
Highlands Ranch, ColoradoDeath and Fame by Allen GinsbergTattered Cover Highlands Ranch9/21/2008
Kingston, NYIf I were writing this by Robert CreeleyKingston Library5/17/2008
Salt Lake City, UtahThe Complete Works of Arthur Rimbaud by Arthur RimbaudBorders4/2/2008
guelph, ontarioBook of longing by Leonard Cohendunno1/12/2008
North BrunswickBluebeard by Kurt VonnegutBarnes and Noble12/18/2007
El Cerrito, CAKite Runner by Khaled HosseiniBarnes and Noble11/26/2007
Florence, ItalyThe Single Hound by Dickinson, EmilyMcRae's Libreria10/27/2007
Altoona, PennsylvaniaHam and Rye by Charles BukowskiBarnes & Noble8/12/2007
Studio City, CAOutlaw Bible Of American Poetry by Alan Kaufman & S.A. Griffin (editors)Bookstar7/26/2007
Bryn MawrHocus Pocus by Kurt VonnegutMilkboy Cafe7/19/2007
Kingston, New York USAEverything is Illuminated by Jonathan Safran FoerBarnes and Noble7/1/2007
Los Alamos, New MexicoCollected Poems 1947-1980 by Allen GinsbergLos Alamos Public Library6/22/2007
Los Alamos, NMLeaves of Grass by Walt WhitmanMesa Public Library6/17/2007
Philadelphia, PAThe Roominghouse Madrigals by Charles BukowskiNortheast Regional Library6/9/2007
Durango, ColoradoBook of Sketches by Jack KerouacMaria's Bookshop5/26/2007
Salem, OregonRaise High the Roof Beam Carpenters and Seymour an Introduction by J.D. SalingerSalem Public Library5/21/2007
Salem, OR, USACatcher in the Rye by J. D. SalingerSalem Public Library5/17/2007
Shreveport, LouisianaThe Dharma Bums by Jack KerouacShreve Memorial Library-Broadmoore5/16/2007
Azusa, CaliforniaThe Poetry of Pablo Neruda by Pablo NerudaAzusa City Library5/10/2007
Brookline, MABook of Sketches by Jack KerouacBrookline Booksmith5/3/2007
Shreveport, LouisianaDemon Box by Ken KeseyShreve Memorial Library-Broadmoore5/2/2007
Silver City, New Mexico88 Poems by Ernest HemingwaySilver City Public Library4/20/2007
Brookline, MAHaunted by Chuck PalahniukBarnes and Noble4/15/2007
detroit, mi, u.s.the rum diary by Hunter s. thompsonbarnes and noble4/11/2007
Brattleboro VTBerkeley! by La Francewaterrowbooks.com3/26/2007
Modesto?? by ???Barnes and Nobles3/11/2007

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