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justin barrett

justin.barrett lives in Salt Lake City, Utah, with his wife and dog. He works as a chemist for a pharmaceutical company by day and writes poetry by night, which is where he conducts his real experiments: like an alchemist, he tries to illuminate the great mysteries of the world. More work is needed. He was the editor of the online poetry journal remark. from 1998 to 2005. He is also the owner of Hemispherical Press. A number of his poems were recently translated into the French by Eric Dejaeger and published in literary journals in Belgium and France. In 2003, he was nominated for a Pushcart Prize.

Published in

justin.barrett's work has appeared in Nerve Cowboy, Naked Knuckle, Chiron Review, The Stinging Fly and Microbe.

GPP Broadsides

for 7 months
GPP58 - December 2008
1 copy has been found.
GPP46 - June 2008
9 copies have been found.
jesus never wore a cowboy hat
GPP36 - January 2008
4 copies have been found.
hoping for an answer
GPP28 - September 2007
16 copies have been found.
the geometry of a relationship on the rocks
GPP21 - June 2007
22 copies have been found.
like fireworks
GPP01 - August 2006
20 copies have been found.


People I Work With
Concrete Meat Press - 2008

Holding Vigil
Centennial Press - 2008 - split chapbook with Kaveh Akbar

the uncertainty principle
Microbe Press - 2007

The Genealogy of Me
Hemispherical Press - 2006

25 Best-Loved Poems of the Future
Bottle of Smoke Press - 2005

Squeezing Blood from a Mummy
Mystery Island Publications - 2004

The Magnificent Seven
12 Gauge Press - 2004

i was a third grade genius...
Bottle of Smoke Press - 2003

Up Over and Down Under
Hemispherical Press - 2003 - split chapbook with Glenn W. Cooper

justin barrett

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