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I built this site with my brain, eyes, and fingers. Oh, and a computer. So brain, eyes, fingers, and a computer. Those four things. All used pretty equally. I mean sure, maybe not exactly equally, but...
ADAD, Athenaeum, ATOM MIND, Brouhaha, Caffeine, Dog River Review, FELL SWOOP, Los Angeles Times, MILK, peep, Poetry Motel, Rant, Sheila-Na-Gig, SLUGfest, Sun Runner, Tomorrow Magazine, Quercus Review, Windowpanes, and more.
Ink Poems
Chance Press - 2012
Desert Dog Press Chapbooks
desert dog press - 2012
I hate your blog! :)
Desert Dog Press - 2010 - Essays, 2003 - 2009
Karaoke Fever! (one of the books in Athenaeum)
Bottle of Smoke Press - 2010
No. 2236 Flying Wedge
Chance Press - 2009 - Short story
The GPPReader
Guerilla Poetics Project - 2007 - Download it!
Riding Out the Dumb Silence
Desert Dog Press - 2006 - Poems and short stories
ANTI WAR - A collection of dissident work by
(various) - 2005
alternative man
Mother Road Publications - 1997 - Poems and short stories
don't quit your day job
desert dog press - 1996 - Poems
porcupine quill pen
desert dog press - 1996 - Poems
Oscar Night
desert dog press - 1996 - Short story
Books by Hannah - Books
Where to find me
©2006-2025 The Guerilla Poetics Project