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Paul Thomas

Sometimes I wake up with my head spilling over the edge of my mattress onto my beige carpet and I get up and walk to the computer to type some words or if I'm lucky I've left my notebook by the bed and I can just roll over and sprawl some words onto the pages slanted and larger than I intend to write them and sometimes I meet people who write upside-down not standing on their heads or anything but with the paper turned 180 they can write and write while I wonder if they can read the job application upside down or if they have to flip the page to read then flip it back to write and that is sort of how I do what I do when I do it flipping pages and doing head-stands and lying in the corpse-pose until my brain gets enough blood and has to release some of it or the pills and tabs I take to either increase or decrease the flow of blood depending on my mood and the weather and what song has been playing in my head and hands for the past week this usually has some affect which creates the same effect as reading a few books at a time not one after another but a paragraph here in one then a paragraph here in another and thinking maybe it's all just the same damn book written by the same damn author using different Plumes but I digress into dreams from my childhood and forget that the rent is due and now I have to pre-date my check and slip it through the manager's mail slot at 3am so he'll wake up and not know that I am a few days late with the payment but a thousand years ago I would have just given him one of my goats and we'd be square well he'd be square and I'd still be a mad man losing patience with myself and those around me whom I love dearly and take to the mountains yearly for a good roll in the chemical bliss of nature yet sometimes I go on and on and on forget where to put in the STOPs

Published in


1. “The Sands of Abetti” The Deepening
May and June 2007

2. “Forty Years” Twisted Dreams Magazine
October 2007

3. “The Operation” The Cynic Online Magazine
October 2007


1. “The Ghost of Bay St.” Rosebleed.org
March 2007

2. “Rain!” Rosebleed.org
March 2007

3. “Green Night” Rosebleed.org
March 2007

4. “My Train” Worlds Within Worlds Beyond Magazine
October 2007

5. “Vino Noir” Worlds Within Worlds Beyond Magazine
October 2007

6. “The Ghost of Bay St.” Worlds Within Worlds Beyond Magazine
October 2007
7. “A March of Time” The Cynic Online Magazine
September 2007

8. “Tears for Child- for M.” The Blue House
December 2007

9. “Electric Window Panes” The Blue House
December 2007

10. “A Soft Collapse” The Blue House
December 2007

11. “Formed” Poetry Cemetery Magazine
February 2008

12. “Vino Noir” Poetry Cemetery Magazine
February 2008

13. “I Felt Like Hamburger” Opium Poetry Blogzine
November 2008

14. “My Train” Opium Poetry Blogzine
November 2008


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Paul Thomas

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