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Mike Kriesel

Michael Kriesel's poems have been appearing in small press zines since the late 1970s. His reviews have appeared in Small Press Review and Library Journal. He's 44 and lives alone in central Wisconsin, where he works as a part-time janitor at an elementary school. He's active in the Wisconsin poetry scene, where he won the 2003 Lorine Niedecker Poetry Award from the Council for Wisconsin Writers ($1,000) and he serves on the State of Wisconsin's Poet Laureate Commission.

Published in

The Progressive, Nimrod, Bitter Oleander, Nerve Cowboy, Rosebud


Feeding My Heart To The Wind: Selected Short Poems 1999-2005
sunnyoutside - 2006

Chasing Saturday Night: Poems About Rural Wisconsin
Marsh River Editions - 2005

Matter Ballet
Bone World Press - 2001

Heart's Run
Grean Bean Press - 2000

Light Fields
Chance Magazine Press - 1999

Long Dark
Xerx Press - 1993

The Sailor, The Witch & The Faggot
Samisdat Press - 1989

The Early Birthdays
Dorrance - 1986

The Light of Fields
Jump River Press - 1982


sunnyoutside Press
Marsh River Editions
Mike Kriesel's Homepage
Mike Kriesel's Hompage Pt. 2

Mike Kriesel

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