June 08, 2008

Media Conference: Getting Hate Speech Off the Dial

Over the past few years, as the immigration debate has heated up, a lot of so called “mainstream” folks have shown up on television and radio stations to espouse anti immigration perspectives. But what CNN doesn't tell you is that some of these "commentators" have close ties to hate groups....

Media Conference: Amend the First Amendment

Here’s one idea it’s hard to get even gung-ho media reformers behind: Rewrite the First Amendment....

Media Conference: Blood and Oil

Blood and Oil, a documentary based on Michael T. Klare’s 2004 book of the same name, makes a strong case for looking beyond Bush & Co. to the roots of the United States’ geopolitical oil mongering....

Media Conference: Rise of the Advocate Journalists

Writers and bloggers are currently blurring already thin line between advocacy and journalism....

Media Conference: The Freedom That Makes Freedom Possible

“As journalism goes, so goes democracy,” renowned PBS host Bill Moyers told the crowd at the National Conference for Media Reform. And right now, journalism is in trouble....

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