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Read the current Monday Report below! |
The ULA Monday Report! This week's report by the Guerilla Poetics Project Origins Of The Guerilla Poetics Project or How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Love The Corrupt Publishing Conglomerate, Academia, The Failing Small Press, & The Bomb Art is a struggle against compromise—the compromise of time, of career, of future, &, if we aren’t careful, our hearts. Making commerce of art is a further compromise—for the real artist, the true artist isn’t interested in hustling his wares like some shyster snake-oil merchant up & down the dusty avenues of forever. The true artist wants only to write, paint, sculpt, make music, sing— not work some job to be able to afford to do all the things they’d rather be doing. The true artist does what they do to save themselves—whatever happens to their work after the fact is positively inconsequential. The true artist prefers, of course, for the work to connect in some meaningful way with a world that begs the same connection—that’s what matters most. The aftermath, good or bad, is gravy. The world, of course, is not built that way. The world is a festering den of middle-men, all itching for their slice & while we hesitate to say that the original goal of the publishing industry was to insulate, isolate, play favorites or exclude—to a large extent that is precisely what has happened—in particular when publishing poetry. Those charged with shepherding the torch of the written word through this pitch-black age have, instead, built an industry devoted almost entirely to fail-safe economics. But this isn’t the place to rant & rave about it. No need to scream ugly murder about the impotent & sackless lip-service paid the small press by the ivory towers of academia. Nor is this the place to either indict or defend the small press’ listless march of compromise & dying magazines—be them yawping beasts of poetic insight or another back-slapping editor pawning off his friends’ tripe on a paying & an unsuspecting readership. This is the rusted cage. Ours is to simply escape it. What we must do, if we are to truly innovate, is map the structure (righteous or corrupt), pin-point the cracks & turn the whole shebang on a bloody ear. Crack#1: The Publishing Conglomerate, Academia, & even the small press are equal parts compromise & economics. Crack#2: America (& soon the rest of the world) cares more about Paris Hilton than it does about poetry & we can do precious little to change that. These are sad truths that must be considered—hell, relied on—& worked around. Crack#3: (& this is the good news) We don’t need them. If what we actually have is a war for legitimacy (& we aren’t sure it is) against a corrupt publishing conglomerate that refuses to even consider the viability of the small press; if the point of this so-called war is to control who & what is written, bound, distributed & read…then, guess what folks, we are laughably outgunned—they hold every advantage. But the good news is we don’t need them to make OUR books…we simply need them to keep making the books they already make. In fact, the biggest failure of the small press to date is using the much larger press as its blueprint & business model. The small press can never be the larger press—it doesn’t have the juice, the financial prowess, nor the reach. & that is actually a very good thing. We can traffic in realms the large press might call insane. Tactically speaking, our only shot at winning this war is to use what they already do best against them in ways they could never imagine. Enter the Guerilla Poetics Project. The GPP, for those unfamiliar, is an innovative way to bring the small press to the big world—a subversive yet bold bloodying of that ear before knocking all these aforementioned structures ass- over-tea-kettle. We are not reliant on sales. We are not reliant on any distribution companies. We are not scratching & begging at the door of the publishing conglomerate for acceptance. We don’t need academia to officially endorse what we do. We are not interested in prizes or awards. We are reliant on one thing & one thing only: each other. By setting aside our fragile egos & working as a collective, our ever-growing army of operatives put exquisite letterpress broadsides of solid, contemporary small press gems into the hands of the people who just might appreciate them most—& do it at no cost (& hence no risk) to the unsuspecting reader. We serve the idea here at the GPP, that & the written word—poetry. We strive to be a nameless, faceless army and we would love your help. We here at the GPP are constantly searching for people who believe in poetry, believe it can matter again, & are willing to kick in a few bucks & help us spread the words. The GPP is an abject refusal to play by their rules, to get in line & do what we’re told. The GPP is a refusal to compromise—as so many small press ventures are made to do. It is a pure art, as pure as painting cave walls as a history & a record of triumphs & failures, as shining examples of lives being lived for art. We’d wager that this not-for-profit venture is unlike anything you’ve seen in the small press and while there is a $25 subscription fee for a 1 year membership, check us out—you’ll see you’re getting a lot of beautiful letterpress-collectible bang for your buck. & no matter what happens to the GPP—succeed or fail—what we do will ROT WITH A SMILING & UNMANIPULATED INTEGRITY. =============================================== For all the info you need please check us out at: www.guerillapoetics.org =============================================== |