“...a guerilla marketing strategy that exists to bring the poetry of the underground and
small press poets of the world to the mainstream.”
an interview with the veiled anonymity of the GPP by brianmorrisey & erikaking
poem may be the last best hope for real literary art...” Is this
referring to the publishing process the way the art is distributed mass
media compared to small press?
QUOTATION ACTUALLY REFERS TO ALL OF IT, as the broadsides hidden by GPP
Operatives represent a collective effort that is a categorical
rejection of the status quo–at least as envisioned by the mass
publishing media conglomerates. Poetry has lost it’s place in the
larger human machinery. To big box publishing, information has taken a
back seat to entertainment–and if art is a reflection of society, then
art too, has been forced to the back. The current publishing paradigm
has no place for modern poetry....there’s just no way to sell it–and if
money can’t be made by it, then it will not be given an
outlet...period. The independent press should be the antidote, but as
any small press publication will likely attest, you can’t possibly hope
to stay afloat if you rely on sales. That’s a hard, sad truth...but a
truth nonetheless. The GPP and its Operatives are able to take poetry
written in relative obscurity and put it directly into the hands of
readers all over the world–all without being reliant upon sales. Since
our Operatives and Patrons fund the mission, we can give it away for
free and expose unsuspecting new readers to an entire world of writing
they otherwise might never have known.
We might
be wrong, but we feel that a much larger poetry reading audience is out
there—it’s just been either ignorant of, or denied access to, the work
being produced today. Maybe it’s just never occurred to many readers
that poems were being written, in a readily accessible language, about
things that just might be relevant to their own daily struggles here in
the early 21st Century. Our hope is that a GPP broadside opens a door
to the poetry being produced today. We believe that a poem can still
matter, even in a society where it’s been marginalized into greeting
cards and eulogies, and we hopefully bring beautifully printed work to
people in a way that surprises and delights them.
do you think is the impact for a reader who comes across one of your
broadsides, encountering poetry in a very unexpected manner rather than
in a more structured way?
WE DONT HAVE TO WONDER; we have lots of actual testimony from broadside
finders that attest to the power of discovering a poem when least
expected (especially when the poem is artfully presented and writ in
language that is clear, accessible and exciting). We hope it impacts
the mind in a dramatic fashion, and drives the finder to the
website–inviting a deeper reading of both that and other small press
poets’ work. But, heck, don’t take our word for it–here are a few
choice quotes from actual broadside finders:
one cannot force the horse to drink from the trough, we can but offer
it a carrot & tempt it to near the hydrating source. & in a
world where everything seems to have its price, this project brings
butterflies to the belly of my heart...”
a beautiful way to bring people together. I worry that books, poems, or
any kind of verse is falling further and further away from human
attention. What a joy it was to find a vein of resistance in my town...”
core (anonymous) members of the GPP noted as ten writers and publishers
who have been working in the small press for a collectively large
number of years seem like the chairmen for the small press. Is it
enough though? Why the anonymity? I understand it is a collaborative
for small press poetry, but no one was elected to run this
collaborative to represent the small press, so how do we know the GPP
has the right ten behind the effort? I understand you need ten founders
to get up and running hard, but if someone decides to drop off the
radar for the GPP, will you remain with the core foundation of the GPP,
or bring someone new in? Will they be elected by the GPP members or
chosen by you to keep the anonymity?
to answer. It’s very important to point out that despite our admitted
flair for outlandish hyperbole the GPP is only a new and different kind
of publishing venture. It’s a way to get small press poems to more
people without relying on the Achilles heel of the small press: sales.
In truth, we’re only slightly different than a journal or zine; instead
of a monthly magazine, we letterpress two broadsides; instead of making
100 copies of a magazine, we make 1,000 copies of each broadside;
instead of being one editor, we’re an experiment in a kind of
“collective editor.” So questions like, “how can the world be sure the
right 10 are behind the effort” are hard to answer. We suppose the only
way to know if we have the “right 10” is to see if, at the end of time,
everything has worked out! When we first started this crazy scheme, we
were really pretty content to simply publish the best poems we could
get and spread them around our hometowns and wherever we happened to
travel. We’re making some waves, maybe reaching some new places, but we
aren’t the leaders of the small press...quite the contrary. We’re just
a team of dedicated and determined folks working hard to make our idea
a reality.
We certainly don’t think of
ourselves as the “chairmen” of the small press, as you say. We just
feel that if we want poetry to have a chance to matter again, we have
to get it in people’s hands. If they won’t buy it, then we still have
to get it to them, even if it means giving it away. If we want the
small press to be “recognized,” then the work it does must get out
there and stand toe to toe with the poetry in bookstores and libraries
where the people can decide if it’s legitimate or not. That’s all we
want; for small press work to have a chance to be judged by book-buyers
and readers on its own merits. That’s also the reason for the relative
anonymity: the point is to support small press work as a whole and
encourage new readers to discover a poet’s work they really like but
otherwise never would’ve known. “Small press fame” is an imaginary
concept, and a disgusting one that breeds contempt among
contemporaries. We think no one needs to “get the credit” for the idea
of the GPP, that it’s better to remain as nameless and faceless as
possible so the Project might live or die as a collective. It’s better
if the individual names of the poets and printers involved in the
administration of the project don’t “get in the way” of what it’s
trying to accomplish. The idea itself has to remain more important than
anyone’s “name” if we are to continue making strides and reaching
readers worldwide.
talk about the selection process for which poems are chosen to be out
there building a strong rep for the small press.... So what qualifies a
poem for the GPP? Should the poetry be cutting edge (modern) written in
readily accessible language relevant to daily struggles? I will buy
that it should be written in an accessible format to reach a
universal audience and generate interest, but why is struggle a
redeeming aspect of the poem - is it what people can identify with the
most today? How is the poetry chosen, by the ten core members of the
GPP, or is it a collective decision of al its members?
as well as representative of the variety of poetry found throughout the
small press. We ask our Operatives to submit brand new, unpublished
work for every round of voting, though of course that’s not always
possible, nor is it required. Like all magazines & journals, we
have some specific guidelines, basically dictated by the length of work
we can publish on 1 side of a broadside. If “struggle” is a recurring
theme in the GPP broadsides, it’s partly coincidental as each round’s
voters are different. But struggle as a theme is certainly something
most readers can relate to and has been for centuries. Read 1,300 year
old poems by Li Po and you’ll find plenty of “struggle” there. And
that’s the point: to connect with new readers in a meaningful way.
In the past, the GPP Core plus 10 guest voters have voted on which
poems to print with the top vote-getters being printed. But our
ether-boss has recently perfected his design of a double-blind voting
system that now makes it possible for everyone in our ranks to not only
submit their own work for consideration, but to help us decide which
poems to print so the voting process now matches the project’s spirit
perfectly! The Core takes a first pass at all submissions, keeping
every poem they’d like to see published while eliminating the sub-par
work. Then any and all GPP Poets, Patrons and Operatives vote on the
blind poems, with the top 12 vote-getters being printed over the
following 6 months (give or take some time for designing, etc.).
what do you picture as success for the GPP? One of your critics said
that there is nothing revolutionary about any of the GPP concepts at
all and there is little risk involved — that if you are a writer with
an ounce of talent, you will develop readership without making a
“public spectacle of yourself.” What is your response? Do you feel this
is a public spectacle and the GPP is a revolutionary concept that will
eventually expose the small press into the hands of those who
appreciate it and would have otherwise never stumbled upon it?
Now that we have critics we must be legitimate, right? Well, everyone
has an opinion, but if it’s something insightful, we’re wise to listen;
if it’s something ridiculous then we’re wise to disregard it. We’ve
never said we’re “revolutionary;” some of the people who found our
broadsides have said that. We just publish poems and get them to as
many people as possible. Just like Poesy, The New York Quarterly,
remark., the defunct Blue Monk and every other small press publisher
out there. And so far, so good.
Success, for us,
is being able to do what we do: printing great poetry in a beautiful
way. If we have ten members or a thousand, we’ll hopefully be able to
keep doing this...and that is success. Selling out of the GPPReader and
having it used as a classroom text at Modesto College, mentions on
Canada’s CBC1 and in The Guardian, articles in magazines like Poets
& Writers...all that stuff is gravy, and something that allows us
to reach more people. We’re not really sure what’s meant by “public
spectacle” or how to answer that; maybe it’s all that gravy mentioned
above. But if there was a ticker-tape parade and some lame-ass
masquerade ball, well, we didn’t get invited. Our Operatives work
quietly. If it’s a spectacle, it’s an anonymous spectacle.
As to whether or not a writer will develop a readership, that depends
what is meant by a readership. We don’t see books by such small press
legends as Huffstickler, Winans, Menebroker, Draime, or Ed Galing in
airports or falling off the shelves at Barnes & Noble...so what is
a readership? One that makes the writing a viable commodity? One that
makes the publisher and writer a little money? If that’s a readership
then, no, not every writer with an ounce of talent has that or can
cultivate that with their work. Now maybe it’s true that more readers
prefer Danielle Steel’s “mysterious lumberjack chopping wood, shirtless
& smelling of woodchips” to a good small press poem. Fair enough.
But those poets have been writing terrific stuff in the small press for
decades now and still their readership isn’t what it deserves to be.
Even though they’ve appeared in journals like the legendary Wormwood
Review. More importantly, they haven’t stopped winning new readers,
which means they haven’t yet reached everyone who is willing to buy
their stuff. So we must think of other ways to reach folks, show them
the work, give them a place to buy a copy. That’s what the GPP
experiment is all about. Will it work in the long run? Who knows? But
we are getting poems into people’s hands, as the registered broadsides
will attest.
Will it matter in the end? We guess ask us again whenever that is and maybe we’ll know.
How does one join the GPP? Will you ever consider rotating core
members? Or do you feel like you have rounded up the most dedicated and
experienced team possible?
We have added other members to the Core Group as people have shown a
dedicated interest in helping run this day to day. All GPP Members are
involved in choosing who we publish by voting on broadsides and
submitting work, but there are things like administrative duties that
could not be done by two hundred people, so there are a few folks who
work the levers behind the scenes that aren’t going anywhere. We are
certainly not against adding members, but people are added as they
bring something to the group that benefits us all. There is no prestige
in being a Core member, just a great deal of time spent slaving over a
hot computer or letterpress. Most Core members do a hell of a lot of
work for the GPP. We welcome others that have the ability to help us
spread the word and are willing to be Core members. We are a
semi-anonymous group, so being a Core Member carries as much weight as
being an operative or patron.
The team at the GPP didn’t have to be rounded up; they came together to
support the mission of their own volition, and we welcome all who
believe in the cause of getting great poetry and great printmaking art
to unsuspecting readers.

register to become an operative at:
http://www.guerillapoetics.org |